Difflam soothe your sore throat with the range

Sore Throats and Difflam

What can you do to prevent a sore throat?

While you cannot always prevent a sore throat completely, there are things you can do to reduce the risk of catching an infection.

  1. Wash your hands regularly – This can help stop the spread of bacteria or viruses and is especially important if people around you appear to be infected.
  2. Avoid smoke – If you smoke, try to quit as cigarette smoke irritates the lining of the throat. And if you’re a non-smoker, try to avoid second-hand smoke.
  3. Take Echinacea and zinc – While there is no concrete evidence that these supplements prevent a cold, some studies have suggested that they may help.
  4. Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth – The cold and flu viruses can enter your body through the eyes, nose and mouth. By not touching them too much, you can limit the risk of droplets on the hands reaching these areas and causing infection.

Home remedies for a sore throat

Although a sore throat isn’t usually serious, it can start to get you down after a while.

As well as using Difflam® to relieve your sore throat, why not try these home remedies to help speed up your recovery and get you back to feeling yourself again.

  1. Gargle with warm, salty water – (children should not try this) drink plenty of water, eat cool or soft foods, avoid smoking or smoky places, suck ice cubes, ice lollies or hard sweets, but do not give young children anything small and hard to suck because of the risk of choking1
  2. Add honey to your drink – Added to a hot drink, a teaspoon of honey can often make the liquid more palatable and it also has antibacterial properties that could help you to heal faster.
  3. Use a room humidifier- Moist air from a humidifier can help to keep your nasal passage and throat lubricated for a faster recovery. It can also help prevent passing airborne viruses, which spread less in moist air, on to family and friends.

Explore the Difflam Range

The Difflam Range provides a triple action relief

  • Anti-inflammatory – To support the body’s natural healing process and help you feel better sooner.
  • Analgesic – To relieve the pain from a sore throat quickly and effectively.
  • Anaesthetic – To soothe a sore throat so you can get on with your day.

Difflam® Spray allows you to deliver just the right amount of fast acting relief, straight to where it’s needed. It can be used to treat many painful conditions of the mouth and throat including:


  1. Painful mouth or throat conditions, such as mouth ulcers, sore throat or gums
  2. Pain and inflammation following dental surgery
  3. Inflammation of the throat (pharyngitis) following surgical removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) or the use of a tube passed through the nose into the stomach (naso-gastric tube)
  4. Relief for teething infants.
Difflam Spray PPRX

Difflam® Sore Throat Rinse can be used as a mouthwash or gargle by adults and children over 12 years old. It comes in a 200ml bottle with a handy measuring cup to help you dispense just the right amount.


  1. To treat the pain, soreness, swelling and discomfort of the throat, including pharyngitis.
Difflam throat rinse PPRX

Difflam® Lozenges allows you to carry a fast acting relief for:


  1. Inflammation of the throat
  2. Painful mouth or throat conditions such as mouth ulcers sore throat or gums.
Difflam Lozenges PPRS

More about sore throats can be found on the NHS website https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/sore-throat/

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