How do I know I have Thrush?

Canesten PPRX

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Find out what Thrush is and what are the symptoms of Thrush. How to treat Thrush and where you can buy online products to treat Thrush with PPRX.

What is Thrush?

Thrush is a vaginal yeast infection caused by excessive growth of natural yeast-like fungus, called candida albicans. 
If you’ve noticed vaginal irritation and inflammation or a change in your discharge (cottage cheese-like white discharge), you may have a yeast infection. This occurs when the good bacteria in your vagina cannot keep the fungus under control, or when your immune system is weakened. Just so you know, vaginal thrush is not a sexually transmitted infection, although it can be passed from one partner to another if they have sex while one of them is suffering from thrush.

What Thrush symptoms should I except?

  • Sore and itchy vagina / vulva
  • Soreness, burning and redness around the entrance to your vagina (vulva)
  • Slight swelling of your vaginal lips (labia)
  • Finding what looks like cottage cheese-like white discharge

When should I see a doctor?

  • You are experiencing thrush for the first time
  • You suffer with recurring thrush, or if it returns in less than 2 months
  • There is no improvement in your symptoms within three days, or if they’ve not disappeared within seven days
  • You suffer from thrush during pregnancy or while breastfeeding
  • You have multiple sexual partners
  • You are under 12 years old
  • You have fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting
  • You feel abdominal pain

Thrush treatment (video for blog)

Vaginal yeast infection can be treated with medication available over the counter from the PPRX online store.

Treatment of thrush is quite straightforward. To treat the vaginal infection, you can use an internal treatment that contains the active ingredient clotrimazole or fluconazole. Choose from the oral pill, soft gel pessary, pessary or internal vaginal cream. These products all treat your infection, but different people prefer different format options. External thrush creams will help to soothe your symptoms such as itching.

Remember, just treating the itchiness with an external cream won’t get rid of your infection so don’t forget to treat thrush at the source, with oral capsule or pessaries.

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More information on thrush can be found on the NHS website

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