Can online pharmacy really offer the same quality of care?

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Online pharmacies can be a reliable, easy, efficient, safe and private way to buy prescription and over-the-counter medications. Because it can be tricky to know if you are buying from a legitimate business. Before you buy from an online pharmacy, you’ll want to find out whether it’s properly licensed!

PPRX – Your Online Pharmacy

PPRX are one of few officially registered online Pharmacies in the UK which delivers NHS and Private prescriptions discreetly to your door at no cost. Our customers also have the freedom to purchase top UK selling brands in Health & Beauty from our over-the-counter range at guaranteed low prices.

you can register for your free NHS prescription account here.

Why should you buy from an online Pharmacy?

Why would patients shift to this non-traditional way of supplying their legitimate need for a prescription or over the counter medicine, away from the conventional doctor’s office visit, obtaining a prescription and getting it filled at the community pharmacy?

In many cases, the process of obtaining and filling a prescription was seen as more expensive and burdensome than buying the same drug online. Recent studies have shown our medical system was seen as less responsive to the patient’s needs in the sense of not providing sufficient doses of the required medication.

Online pharmacies have proven to offer better pricing than offline stores, with increased access, lower transaction and product costs, convenience and greater anonymity for patients. They offer accessibility to people with limited mobility and people in remote areas.

Staying safe on the internet

Online pharmacies can be a reliable, easy, efficient, safe, and private way to buy prescription and over-the-counter medications. However, it can be tricky to know if you are buying from a legitimate business. Before you buy from an online pharmacy, you’ll want to find out whether it’s properly licensed!

All pharmacies in Great Britain, including pharmacies providing services online, must be registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). Online pharmacy owners must meet the GPhC standards for registered pharmacies and follow their guidance on providing pharmacy services at a distance, including on the internet.

View our recent GPhC inspection blog here:

Visit the link below to find out more:


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