Lovima Contraceptive pill online, with no prescription


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Lovima – Contraceptive Pill, No Prescription needed. 

What is Lovima? 

Lovima is a Contraceptive pill, now available at PPRX to buy without a prescription here:
Lovima is a new brand of an oral contraceptive that contains Desogestrel. Desogestrel has been previously available for women on prescription. The launch of Lovima enables women to buy a contraceptive pill from the pharmacy, by consulting with a pharmacist. You don’t need to make an appointment to see your doctor or family planning clinic to get a prescription. 
Lovima is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, provided you take it at the same time each day from the start of your menstrual cycle.

Why choose Lovima?

With Lovima, you can now buy a contraceptive pill at PPRX, without seeing your GP for a prescription. It is more effective than using a condom, to prevent 99% of pregnancies if used correctly.

With Lovima, you should take one tablet each day at the same time without a break between each pack.  This means you can take one tablet every day until the Lovima packet is empty, then start a new packet with no break. You don’t need to wait a week to allow for bleeding as you may find you experience irregular bleeding outside your monthly period cycle or even no period bleeding at all. If you are worried about your bleeding pattern, speak to your pharmacist.

In contrast to the combined pill (containing both oestrogen and progestogen), Lovima can be used by women who are breastfeeding, subject to a pharmacy consultation at PPRX.
No blood pressure check is required before taking Lovima. Lovima may be taken whilst breastfeeding which may not be possible with other contraceptive pills. Our in-house Pharmacists will check if Lovima is suitable for you.

With Lovima, you’re in charge of your contraception choice.

How it Works?

Lovima contains the progestogen desogestrel, which works in two ways to prevent pregnancy:
It helps prevent you ovulating – this is when an egg is released from your ovaries around the middle of your menstrual cycle. If there is no egg, there is nothing for sperm to fertilise, which means a pregnancy is avoided
It thickens your cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to get through and reach any eggs that may have been released.
This dual action means Lovima is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly.

Who can take Lovima?

Lovima is suitable for women of childbearing age, following a consultation with a pharmacist. That means any age from starting your first period, all the way through to having gone through menopause. Our In-house Pharmacists at PPRX will go through some questions to make sure Lovima is right for you.
You may even be able to take Lovima if you:

  • have just had a baby
  • are breastfeeding
  • have migraines
  • are over 35 years and smoke
  • are overweight

You should not take Lovima if you:

  • are pregnant or think you may be pregnant
  • have a thrombosis (a blood clot)
  • have or have ever had jaundice or severe liver disease
  • have or think you might have a cancer that is sensitive to sex steroids (e.g. some forms of breast cancer)
  • have any unexplained vaginal bleeding
  • are allergic to soya, peanut, lactose or any of the ingredients in Lovima.

If you want to find out more information about who can take Lovima enquire now at PPRX.


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